Our Vision

The Bruin Club exists to broaden the involvement of students, student’s families, the school, and the community by supporting the success of all student athletic and extracurricular activities connected with Columbia High School.

CHS gym

Our Leadership

Our Board

President:  Sean Ciemiewicz

Vice President: Sean Borton

Treasurer/Secretary: Lesley Haskell  

Membership Director:  Ross Henry

Committees & Chairpersons

Concessions Chair: Tisie Brasuell

Communications/Events:  Carrie Vosika

Merchandise Chair: Kylene Barnes

Website Chair: Ashleigh Coyner

  • It will achieve its vision through the active participation of as many parents and supporters as possible in club programs & by working with the Athletic Director as well as the administration of Columbia High School.

  • The Bruin Club will :

    _Promote and encourage student, parent, community participation, and pride in CHS athletic activities and extracurricular activities, such as active participant, supporter or volunteer.

    _Raise funds to assist ALL school athletic and extracurricular programs and to build an endowment for the future.

    _Foster and promote goodwill and community spirit in CHS athletics and extracurricular activities throughout the District.

    _Support, promote, and maintain high standards of integrity and good sportsmanship in all athletic and extracurricular activities.

    _Strengthen and encourage participation in community youth sports programs and integrate the Club’s mission, purpose and vision to those programs.

    _Promote and inspire attendance at all school athletic and extracurricular activities by the parents, students, community residents, faculty, and staff of the White Salmon Valley School District.

    _Assist in minimizing school expenses through volunteering services.